Selected publications:
Bird-pollinated Macaronesian Lotus (Leguminosae) evolved within a group of entomophilous ancestors with post-anthesis flower colour change.
Ojeda I, Santos-Guerra A, Oliva-Tejera F, Valido A, Xue X, Marrero A, Caujapé-Castells J, Cronk QCB (2013)
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15:193–204.
Comparative micromorphology of petals in Macaronesian Lotus (Leguminosae) reveals a loss of papillose conical cells during the evolution of bird pollination.
Ojeda I, Santos-Guerra A, Caujapé-Castells J, Jaén-Molina R, Marrero A, Cronk QCB (2012)
International Journal of Plant Sciences 173: 365-374.
The origin of bird pollination in Macaronesian Lotus (Loteae, Leguminosae).
Ojeda I, Santos-Guerra A, Jaén-Molina R, Oliva-Tejera F, Caujapé-Castelis J, Cronk QCB (2012).
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62: 306-18.
Evolution of petal epidermal micromorphology in Leguminosae and its use as a marker of petal identity.
Ojeda, I, Francisco-Ortega, J, Cronk, QCB (2009)
Annals of Botany 104(6), 1099–1110.
Bird-pollinated flowers in an evolutionary and molecular context.
Cronk Q, Ojeda I.
J Exp Bot. 2008; 59(4): 715-27.
An apparent reversal in floral symmetry in the legume Cadia is a homeotic transformation.
Citerne HL, Pennington RT, Cronk QC.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006; 103(32): 12017-20.
Legume flowers bear fruit.
Cronk QC.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006; 103(13): 4801-2.
Altered expression of GFLO, the Gesneriaceae homologue of FLORICAULA/LEAFY, is associated with the transition to bulbil formation in Titanotrichum oldhamii.
Wang CN, Möller M, Cronk QC.
Dev Genes Evol. 2004; 214(3): 122-7.